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Re-enactment of typical suffrage rallies held all over the country before women were granted the right to vote. Historical speeches, letters, and songs will be performed by professionals & amateurs alike in this celebration of history, women, and human rights staged as a timeline through the first wave of feminism. (Co-hosted by Crandall Public Library, Chapman Historical Museum, Warren County Historical Society, New York)

Have your authentic tintype portrait made by Craig Murphy and Glens Falls Art tintype studio!

Special Price! 4×5 Tintype Portraits $40 each

List of “speakers” (updated 4/27/17)
Abigail Adams- Early champion of women’s rights, Second First Lady of the US
Inez Milholland- Vassar graduate, lawyer, pacifist, Suffrage martyr
Susan B. Anthony- Drafter of what would become the 19th Amendment
Gertrude Foster Brown- NYS Woman Suffrage Assoc. Pres.
Emily B. Nordstrom- Warren Co leader of NYS Woman Suffrage Party
Lucy Price- Anti-suffrage speaker, & Vassar graduate

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